Somos Axolotl
Blue Squares

The Somos Axolotl story.

Somos Axolotl is an art- and tech-based initiative created by a digital artist, a muralist, and an environmental activist -- three individuals united in their desire to push back against the potential extinction of one of the world's most compelling animals, the axolotl salamander.

Spearheaded by Matt “Scum” Martinez, Somos Axolotl works along side the vibrant Xochimilco community in Mexico City to protect and restore axolotl populations through the development of sustainable economic systems for local farmers, businesses, and tourism operators.

There can be no path toward healthy and balanced relationships with our natural environment without sustainable relationships between people, places, and our planet's other denizens. Somos Axolotl uses technology and art to inspire action, create solutions, and build partnerships supporting symbiosis between Xochimilco's human and axolotl populations.

As this project matures, the tools built and lessons learned in Xochimilco will become available to communities around the world.

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Our work in Xochimilco
(where the flowers grow)



Xochimilco represents one of the only remaining areas where the the footprint of Tenochtitlan, the ancient Aztec capital, has not melted away into the vastness of Mexico City.ommunity



As Mexico City grew and the area industralized, however, much of Xochimilco was drained and absorbed by the growing metropolis, causing the local plant and animal populations to plummet.



There is no path to conservation without economic sustainability. What we are building together in the old Aztec canals is not just for Xochimilco, it’s for the whole world.

Brown Squares

Our Approach

Somos Axolotl is using the power of art and technology to create new pathways toward sustainability for the Xochimilco community. Our Axolotl sculptures, designed and painted by a host of incredibly talented artists from across Mexico and beyond, will be placed throughout Xochimilco and along major tourism routes. The sculptures are designed to drive awareness and funding streams to the community members and organizations working to sustain and rebuild this unique and highly endangered ecosystem.

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We are proud to display our growing list of collaborators and contributors:

Our partners

Santuario Ajolote
Leap Lab
Maya Moon
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